Why Every Pool Owner Needs an Auto Pool Cover

If you are a pool owner, you know that maintaining your pool can be a time-consuming and expensive task. From cleaning and balancing chemicals to the constant battle against debris and evaporation, the responsibilities can seem never-ending. One way to make your life as a pool owner easier is by investing in an automatic pool cover. To find the best auto pool cover you can also check this firm CIP NZ.

1. Safety

One of the primary reasons why every pool owner should have an automatic pool cover is for safety reasons. Accidental drownings are a tragic reality, and having a pool cover can significantly reduce the risk, especially for households with children or pets. An auto pool cover acts as a barrier, preventing unauthorized access and giving you peace of mind.

2. Energy Efficiency

A second compelling reason to invest in an auto pool cover is the potential for energy savings. When your pool is not in use, an automatic cover can keep the water warm, reducing the need for constant heating. It acts as a barrier, preventing heat loss through evaporation and reducing the workload on your pool heater.

3. Water Conservation

In addition to energy savings, an auto pool cover can also help you conserve water. Evaporation is a significant issue for pool owners, especially in areas with hot and dry climates. Without a cover, your pool can lose a substantial amount of water through evaporation, leading to the need for frequent refills.

4. Reduced Maintenance

Another advantage of having an auto pool cover is the reduced maintenance it brings. Pool owners know the struggle of constantly cleaning debris like leaves, insects, and other unwanted objects from their pool. This not only takes up valuable time but can also be frustrating.

5. Chemical Balance

Maintaining the right chemical balance in your pool is crucial for the health and safety of swimmers. However, without a pool cover, your chemicals can quickly dissipate into the air through evaporation. This not only leads to an imbalance in your pool's chemistry but also requires you to use more chemicals to maintain proper levels.


An automatic pool cover is a valuable investment for any pool owner. From safety and energy efficiency to water conservation and reduced maintenance, the benefits are undeniable.