What To Expect During A Chiropractic Visit For Kids In Brookfield

Chiropractic care is a type of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It is a non-invasive and natural approach that can provide many benefits for a child’s health. Here is what to expect during a chiropractic visit for kids.

The Consultation

The first step in a chiropractic visit for kids is the consultation. During this part of the visit, the Pediatric Chiroprcator At Knapp Chiropractic & Wellness Center will ask questions about the child’s health history, lifestyle, and any current health concerns. The chiropractor will then assess the child’s posture and movement patterns to identify any imbalances or restrictions that could be a source of discomfort.

The Adjustment

Once the chiropractor has identified any areas of concern, they will then perform the adjustment. This is done by applying gentle pressure to the area in question. The adjustment helps to restore motion to the spine and relieve any tension or pain the child may be experiencing.


After the adjustment is complete, the chiropractor will give the child some aftercare instructions to help them maintain their health. This may include advice on stretching, exercise, and nutrition. It may also include information on how to reduce stress and tension in the body.


Chiropractic visits for kids can be beneficial in helping to restore balance and comfort to a child’s body. The visit typically consists of a consultation, an adjustment, and aftercare instructions. By following these steps, a child can receive relief from pain and tension and enjoy better overall health.