Qualities To Look For When Choosing A German Shepherd Protection Dog

When looking for a protection dog, there are certain qualities that you should look for in a German Shepherd. These dogs are prized for their loyalty, intelligence, and strength, making them ideal for protection. There are some of the qualities to look for in a German Shepherd guard dog.

First and foremost, look for a dog with an even temperament. They can be a bit aloof and independent, but should still be friendly and approachable. A good protection dog needs to be able to handle new situations and people without becoming aggressive.

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Next, look for a dog with strong guarding instincts. They are naturally protective, so you want to find one that will instinctively guard you and your property. Look for a dog that is alert and attentive when around people and other animals.

The next quality to look for is intelligence. German Shepherds are known for their intelligence and trainability. Look for a dog that can be taught commands quickly and accurately. The more intelligent the dog, the better it will be at protecting you and your family.

Finally, look for a dog with a good work ethic. German Shepherds are known for their hardworking nature, so make sure to find one that is eager to please and willing to work. A good protection dog is always ready to listen and learn.